
Academic Planning Cycle (2024-2029)

In January 2024, OISE began the important work of academic planning, working in collaboration with students, faculty, and staff to craft a compelling vision for the future of the Institute. The new Academic Plan will build on our many conversations over the past year to help determine our academic goals and paths forward so that our mission, research, and practice across multiple fields and disciplines resonate in powerful and action-oriented ways for education.  

The community is invited to contribute ideas and perspectives with the goal of developing a renewed purpose and vision for the Institute that will carry us enthusiastically into the future. 

To stay up to date on the planning process and to learn more about engagement opportunities, we encourage you to check back on this site regularly. 

Consultation Opportunities

Throughout this next phase of the planning process, we want to draw on as many voices as possible to hear what is important to our community and how we can continue to evolve in our current context. All OISE students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other partners are invited to share input. 

This survey includes 5 sets of open-ended questions. Responses will help identify themes and core ideas. 

Focus Groups

March 20 @ 5:30pm- Student Session

March 21 @ 1:30pm- All-Community Session

March 25 @ 3pm- All Faculty Session

March 28 @ 1pm- Staff Session

By E-mail

Share your thoughts and comments by e-mail to oise.planning@utoronto.ca


Academic Plan (2017-2022)

OISE Review (2020-2021)

The University of Toronto commissions external reviews of faculties as part of its regular cycle of . As part of this regular cycle, the Provost has commissioned a review of the »»ÆÞ¾ãÀÖ²¿ Institute for Studies in Education during the 2020-2021 academic year. 

Contact Us

For more information please contact dean.oise@utoronto.ca.